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About Lighthouse

Lighthouse was founded from a belief that the world is in need of the love of Christ.

The global church is seeking to do ministry differently and needs help accessing the resources they already have. By freeing up funding from real estate, the church can better serve its mission. 
Our team includes both pastoral and financial expertise and is here to walk with you in your discernment process.

Rusell Bjorkman


Russell is a JD/MBA (Wharton), an accomplished corporate lawyer, and has advised on more than 40 faith-based investments and 50 deals across more than 20 countries.

He decided 12 years ago to integrate his faith with finance which led to these faith-based investments and helping launch the Faith Driven Entrepreneur/ Investor movement.

Making church sustainable and relevant and serving pastors are key passions of his

Greg Gibbs


Greg is a pastor, author, and consultant who has been working with churches for over 30 years. He has experience helping 100+ churches build their capital campaign. He also currently serves as an Executive Pastor at Vintage Church LA.

In addition, Greg is the author of two books, "Creating a Culture of Generosity" and "Capital Campaign Playbook"

Other Advisors

Real Estate

​We have several key relationships with affordable housing, church developers and others to call upon as needed. These best in class developers and real estate experts are all in agreement that the global church has an opportunity to reimagine their use of buried talents and access funding for the Kingdom

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